miercuri, 15 octombrie 2014

The Alfabet -Alfabetul în limba engleză

/ˈdʌbəl juː/
/zɛd//ziː/ (a doua variantă doar în engleza americană)

In limba engleza, cuvintele se pronunta diferit de cum se scriu. Consoanele se protunta toate aproape ca in romaneste, 

b[b]baby, best, buy, bring, blind, absent, about, number, labor, robber, tub
center, cellar, cigarette, cinema, agency, notice;
cake, come, cucumber, clean, cry, scratch, act, panic
d[d]day, dear, die, door, duty, admire, hidden, lady, kind, ride, ended
f[f]fast, female, five, forest, fund, fry, flight, often, deaf, cuff
game, gap, get, go, gun, great, global, giggle, ago, begin, dog, egg;
general, gin, giant, agent, suggest, Egypt, energy, huge, manage;
mirage, garage, beige, rouge
hair, help, history, home, hotel, hunt, behind, inherit;
hour, honor, honest, heir, vehicle, Sarah
j[j]jam, Jane, jet, jelly, Jim, jingle, joke, John, June, just
k[k]Kate, kind, kill, kilogram, sky, blanket, break, take, look
l[l]late, let, live, alone, close, slim, please, old, nicely, table, file, all
m[m]make, men, mind, mother, must, my, common, summer, name, form, team
n[n]napkin, never, night, no, nuclear, funny, student, kindness, ton, sun
p[p]paper, person, pick, pour, public, repair, apple, keep, top, crisp
q (qu)[kw]
quality, question, quite, quote, equal, require;
unique, technique, antique, grotesque
r[r]rain, red, rise, brief, grow, scream, truck, arrive, hurry, turn, more, car
send, simple, song, system, street, lost, kiss, release;
cause, present, reason, realism, advise, always, is, was
t[t]task, tell, time, tone, tune, hotel, attentive, student, boat, rest
v[v]vast, vein, vivid, voice, even, review, invest, give, move, active
w[w]wall, war, way, west, wind, word, would, swear, swim, twenty, twist
exercise, exchange, expect, ex-wife, axis, fix, relax;
exam, exact, executive, exert, exist, exit, exult;
Xenon, Xerox, xenophobia, xylophone
zero, zoo, horizon, puzzle, crazy, organize, quiz, jazz;
pizza, Mozart, Nazi, waltz

Consonant combinations

accent, accept, access, eccentric, accident;
accommodate, account, accuse, occur, acclaim
[ch]chain, check, chief, choose, teacher, much, church;
kitchen, catch, match, watch, pitch, stretch
ch (Latin, Greek)
ch (French)
character, chemical, Chris, archive, mechanic, technical, ache;
champagne, charlatan, chef, chic, machine, cache
ck[k]black, pack, deck, kick, pick, cracker, pocket, rocket
dge[j]bridge, edge, judge, knowledge, budget, badger
ghost, ghastly, Ghana, ghetto;
cough, enough, rough, tough, laugh;
though, through, weigh, neighbor, bought, daughter
guard, guess, guest, guide, guitar, dialogue;
language, linguistics, Guatemala, Nicaragua
king, sing, singer, singing, bang, long, wrong, tongue;
finger, anger, angry, longer, longest, single
ph[f]phone, photograph, phrase, phenomenon, biography
quality, question, quite, quote, equal, require;
unique, technique, antique, grotesque
science, scissors, scene, scent, scythe;
scan, scandal, scare, score, Scotch, scuba
school, scholar, scheme, schedule;
schnauzer, schedule
sh[sh]share, she, shine, shoe, fish, cash, push, punish
thank, thick, think, thought, thunder, author, breath, bath;
this, that, then, though, father, brother, breathe, bathe
what, when, where, which, while, why, whale, wheel, white;
who, whom, whose, whole
exhumation, exhume, exhale;
exhaust, exhibit, exhilarate, exhort, exhume, exhale
With silent lettersSoundsExamples
bt, pt[t]doubt, debt, subtle; receipt, pterodactyl
kn, gn, pn[n]knee, knife, know; gnome, sign, foreign; pneumonia, pneumatic
mb, lm[m]lamb, climb, bomb, comb, tomb; calm, palm, salmon
ps[s]psalm, pseudonym, psychologist, psychiatrist
rh[r]rhapsody, rhetoric, rheumatism, rhythm, rhyme
wr[r]wrap, wreck, wrestle, wrinkle, wrist, write, wrong
Letters in the suffixSoundsExamples
ti, ci, si, su[sh]nation, patient, special, vicious, pension, Asia, sensual, pressure
si, su[zh]vision, fusion, Asia, usual, visual, measure, pleasure

dar vocalele se pronunta foarte diferit, dupa cum puteti vedea in exemplele pentru fiecare vocala de mai jos:

A - se pronunta:

  1. ei in cuvinte precum:
    • name [neim] = nume
    • paper [peipã] = hartie
  2. e in cuvinte precum:
    • and [end] = si
    • Andy [endi] = Andi (nume propriu)
  3. ӕ ce reprezinta un sunet intre "a" si "e", deschizand gura pentru "a" si pronuntand "e"; ca in cuvintele:
    • flag [flӕg] = steag
    • map [mӕp] = harta
  4. un o lung (marcat o: ), ca in:
    • all [o:l] = tot, toti, toate
    • small [smo:l] = mic, mica
  5. i in cuvinte precum:
    • climate [klaimit] = clima
    • village [vilidj] = sat
  6. ã (marcat ã: ), ca in:
    • after [aftã:] = dupa
    • beggar [begã:] = cersetor

E - se pronunta
  1. I accentuat in cuvinte ca:
    • meter [mitã] = conteaza
    • serious [siriã] = serios
  2. e in cuvinte ca:
    • bed [bed] = pat
    • red [red] = rosu
  3. i scurt in cuvinte precum:
    • begin [bigin] = a incepe
    • repeat [ripit] = a repeta

I - se pronunta
  1. i in cuvinte precum:
    • big [big] = mare
    • milk [milc] = lapte
  2. ai in cuvinte ca:
    • Friday [fraidi] = vineri
    • time [taim] = timp
  3. ã lung (marcat ã: ), ca in:
    • bird [bã:d] = pasare
    • first [fã:st] = primul

O - se pronunta
  1. o scurt, in cuvinte precum:
    • dog [dog] = caine
    • lock [lok] = a incuia
  2. o lung (marcat o: ), ca in:
    • horse [ho:s] = cal
    • storm [sto:m] = furtuna
  3. ou ca in:
    • alone [ãloun] = singur
    • open [oupn] = deschis
  4. a scurt, inchis (marcat ʌ ). Se pronunta un "a" scurt in asa fel incat varful limbii sa atinga cerul gurii. Exemplu cuvinte:
    • done [dʌn] = facut
    • glove [glʌv] = manusa
  5. u lung (marcat u: ), ca in:
    • two [tu:] = doi
    • prove [pru:v] = a dovedi
  6. wa (ua) in cuvinte precum:
    • one [wan] = unu
    • once [wans] = odata
  7. ã in cuvinte ca:
    • lemmon [lemãn] = lamaie
    • tailor [teilã] = croitor
  8. nu se pronunta in cuvinte ca:
    • lesson [lesn] = lectie
    • season [sizn] = anotimp

U - se pronunta
  1. u lung (marcat u: ) in cuvinte precum:
    • true [tru:] = adevar
    • rule [ru:l] = regula
  2. iu in cuvinte ca:
    • duty [diuti] = datorie
    • pupil [piupl] = elev, eleva
  3.  "a" inchis spre un "ã" slab, ca in:
    • dust [daãst] = praf
    • umbrella [aãmbrela] = umbrela
  4. ã lung (marcat ã: ), in cuvinte ca:
    • fur [fã:] = blana
    • nurse [nã:s] = sora medicala
  5. i ca in:
    • business [bisnis] = afacere
    • minute [minit] = minut
  6. e scurt in cuvinte precum:
    • nature [neitã:] = natura
    • Saturday [sӕtã:dei] = sambata

Y - se pronunta
  1. i in cuvinte ca:
    • city [siti] = oras
    • merry [meri] = vesel
  2. ai in cuvinte precum:
    • fly [flai] = a zbura
    • sky [skai] = cer

Toate vocalele marcate fonetic cu doua puncte (:) reprezinta sunete lungi.

Cate un cuvant pentru fiecare litera din alfabet.

apple ( se pronunta aipăl ) = măr
B baby ( se pronunta beibi ) = copil, prunc
center ( se pronunta centăr ) = centru
dad ( se pronunta dead ) = tata
east ( se pronunta ist ) = est
finger ( se pronunta fingăr ) = deget
gold ( se pronunta gould ) = aur
hair ( se pronunta heer ) = păr
information ( se pronunta infomeision ) = informatie, informatii
juice ( se pronunta gius ) = suc
K key ( se pronunta chi ) = cheie
life ( se pronunta laif ) = viata
milk ( se pronunta milc ) = lapte
news ( se pronunta niuz ) = stiri
open ( se pronunta opăn ) = deschide
payment ( se pronunta peimănt ) = plata
question ( se pronunta cueștăn ) = intrebare
recovery ( se pronunta ricavări ) = recuperare
sun ( se pronunta san ) = soare
table ( se pronunta teibăl ) = tabel, masa
U university ( se pronunta iuniversiti ) = universitate
vacation ( se pronunta veicheișion ) = vacanta
white ( se pronunta uait ) = alb
x-ray ( se pronunta ecs-rei ) = raze x, radiografie
yellow ( se pronunta ielou ) = galben
zoo ( se pronunta zu ) = gradina zoologica


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